I am happy to enter this into Color Throw down 305 today. Fun, tropical colors.
Thanks for stopping by. I'd live to hear from you.

I'm in hot, hot, hot Palm Springs for a few days. I tend to travel alone so don't feel bad for me. I like it that way. But not always. Since I was ill these past 4 days and wasn't sure if I could make this trip, I wanted to make the most of it.
First, I had asked myself several times, why Palm Springs in August. Yey, I'm kicking myself for this. But not really. It's like an oven outside and I don't intend on leaving this room much. Actually it's a 1 bedroom condo. To be honest there really isn't much here that I want to see.
Second, I did ask a friend to come but that didn't work out.
So I had some lemonade to make of all these lemons. Thus, Traci ' s Stamp Getaway!!! Stay tuned for what comes out of this.